Welcome to Almost Haven Farms! We are a small hobby farm in Central Ohio, just east of Columbus. We love raising our Babydoll Sheep (formerly known as Olde English Southdown Sheep) and Harlequin Sheep. Both are small breeds of sheep, Babydoll being the smallest sheep in the world, approximately 24” at the shoulder. Both breeds are docile and have sweet temperaments and their size makes them easy to handle.

We have a small flock of breeding ewes and rams. 8 Babydoll ewes and 3 rams, and 4 Harlequin breeding ewes and 1 ram. We breed our ewes in late November to early December so we have late Spring lambs, simply because lambing is easier when its warmer out. Outside of breeding season, our rams live together and are really docile too. Our Babydoll generally have twins and I’ve even had one with triplets! We find all our sheep are pretty low maintenance. Vaccinations and hooves are done by us in the Spring and a shearer comes then to shear them once a year. They are great lawn mowers and keep everything trimmed nicely! We find so much happiness sitting in the pastures in the evenings. Just watching or being with them brings us so much peace from the chaos around the world and gives us a glimpse of our creator!

We take deposits any time to be on our list for Spring lambs. Deposits are refundable only if after lambing we don’t have the lambs you wanted available.

Our prices are:

  • Ewe lambs - $700.00

  • Ram lambs - $500.00

  • Wethers (castrated rams) - $200.00

Deposits of $100 for ewes/rams and $50.00 for wethers.

All our sheep are registered with the original Robert Mock “Olde English Babydoll Southdown Registry” and more information about the breed can be found at www.oldeenglishbabydollregistry.com. They are very helpful and Harlequins are registered with the Harlequin Sheep Society and Registry. www.harlequinsheepsociety.com

*NO MEAT SALES. These are meant to be pets*

We also breed pure bred Pygmy goats and have a few babies every Spring. They are $200 for does and $150 for bucks. $100 for Wether.

We have 4 kids and 5 sweet grandchildren. My husband Bob is in sales and this is my “job” but he helps a lot and loves our animals as much as I do! We are so grateful to the Good Sheperdfor blessing us with our family and allowing us to steward His animals!

John 10:14-18

If you would like to ask questions or want help getting started, feel free to text or call me, Heather Southardat 614-915-2348. You’re also welcome to visit and see what these sheep are like. Just call me.